Phnom Penh, June 26, 2024 – The Minister of Information, Neth Pheaktra, has called for a crackdown on fraudsters who create fake Telegram accounts impersonating officials. The issue came to light after a fraudulent account using the minister's name and photo was discovered promoting investment and trading schemes.
In a public statement released on his Facebook page on June 25, Minister Pheaktra alerted the public to the deceptive account. He emphasized that he has no connections to the account and advised the public to remain vigilant. “Please be careful. I wish to clarify that this account is not mine; it is a counterfeit. I will not be held liable for any issues or consequences arising from this fake account," stated Pheaktra.
The Minister's announcement underscores the growing concern over online scams and the misuse of social media to commit fraud. The authorities are being urged to take immediate action to prevent such fraudulent activities and protect citizens from potential harm.